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. Programming
. Implementation of delegated contracts 
.  Environmental contracting authority’s assistant

. Contract monitoring and follow-through
. Programming of major maintenance
. Implementation of maintenance systems
. Optimisation of facility availability

. Technical assistance and support
. Delegation of specialised staff
. Energy audits 
. Risk audits 
. Training in Renewable Energies and use

. Impact studies
. Technical renovation 
. Facility design
. Project execution





. Feasibility studies:  technical solutions and options, budget envelopes 
. Guideline plans, detailed technical programme 
. Guideline scheme of heating networks, guideline scheme of renewable energies, study on the potential of renewable energy development or construction project, energy asset guideline scheme.

Implementation of delegation contracts (conduct, operation, maintenance)

. Development of Public Service Delegation (DSP) consultation case files, global performance public contract (Design – Execution, Operation – Maintenance), Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
. Organisation and coordination of the consultations, analysis of tenders
. Writing of energy performance contracts (CPE), profit sharing clauses
. Legal and administrative assistance, representation of the Contracting authority

Energy performance (CPE) assistant to the contracting authority (CPE) 

. Assistance, advice and implementation of energy performance contract 
. Assistance to the Contracting authority for the implementation of an energy and environmental performance process in the context of the constructio

Environmental assistant to the contracting authority: 

. Assistance in the HQE process up to procuring certification,
. Carbon review, environmental manual, etc.

AMO Technique 

. Assistance in the design of the thermal facilities (heating, sanitary hot water and ventilation)
. Verification of project consistency with the objectives in terms of energy balance, operation, operating costs.
. Verification of DCE documents concerning the thermal facilities part (consistency between the different documents:  descriptive, diagrams, etc.)
. Assistance in the conduct of works (check of consistency of execution files with the project, regular worksite inspections during construction of the thermal installations)
. Assistance at acceptance.




. Technical support and delegation of specialised staff
. Advice for obtaining ISO 50001 certification
. Training in energy mastery techniques 


. Definition of a strategic energy performance plan for an asset
. Regulatory energy audits:  Global Technical Diagnostic (DTG) per the Environment and energy mastery agency (ADEME) technical specification
. Condominiums, major corporations, DPE
. Audit of sanitary risks: 
. Legionnaires’ disease and bacterial contamination 
. Risks of accidental or criminal contamination of air networks

« After-sales » audits

. Audit and assistance for acceptance of renewable energy production works
. Audit of facility pathologies 

Five-year Technical Audit (CTQ)

. Periodic technical audit about the state of operation and safety of person

Frequently dispensed training modules  

. About renewable energies and energy wood
. About key elements of heat and cold networks
. bases of operating high-power wood heating systems (> 750 kW)
. Initiation in maintenance of wood heating systems
. About heating with low- and high-power wood energy and dimensioning of Heating Networks
. Mastery and optimisation of operational contracts.



Ingénierie Maintenance

Control and monitoring Public Service Delegation and Energy Performance 

. . Hot and cold networks,
. Public lighting networks...

Control and Monitoring of operating and maintenance contracts

. Thermal facilities:  Review of operation, optimisation of energy management, total guarantee)
. Technical equipment:  air conditioning & air treatment, controlled mechanical ventilation, electricity, garage doors, plumbing, individual heaters (P3R)
. Lifts, garage doors, escalators:  maintenance audit, works management, complete servicing

Programming of major maintenance and equipment renewal works

Optimisation of facility available

. Assistance in maintenance organisational methods
. Reliability studies (LCC, ILS, RCM, FMCE

Implementation of maintenance systems

. Development of maintenance supports:  writing supports, training
. Implementation of CMMS


Ingénierie de Projet

Impact studies

. Studies of dangers of facilities classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE),
. Treatment and prevention of Legionnaires’ disease, exposure to lead and asbestos

Technical renovation of assets 

. All trades with multi-year of maintenance, major servicing, renewal

Design of complex technical facilities

. central heating, cogeneration or tri-generation, renewable energies 
. Feasibility study at executio

Execution of projects in all our fields of competence 

. Feasibility study
. Facility design
. Basic plan
. Detailed basic plan
. Writing of company calls for tenders,
. Prime contractor and monitoring of works execution:  Validation of execution studies, fine tuning of plans, Supervision of procurement of authorisations, Monitoring of compliance with regulatory obligations (technical, safety, societal), Coordination of works for all trades, Commissioning, trials and acceptance of works.

Domaine de Compétences



ENERGY PRODUCTION : Biomass power plants; Solar; Geothermal power and heat pumps; Wind power; Methanisation; Cogeneration; Household waste incineration; Fossil fuel power plants (Gas, home fuel oil, etc.); Air conditioning and air treatment.

NETWORKS : Hot and cold networks, Reduction of network losses (air thermal mapping by drones).

ENERGY PERFORMANCE : Energy management systems. Monitoring of energy consumption; Energy audits; Thermal balances; Reduction of losses from buildings (thermal camera).


Cargo lifts, conveyors, escalators, garage doors, automatic barriers, etc.


Utilities, Lighting, Fluids, Centralised/building management systems (CMS/BMS), etc.


Availability of experts 
Availability of monitoring systems:  Website monitoring the energy performance of facilities and operating services monitoring system.


On-the job training in the energy professions, including e-learning modules
Skill transfer.

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