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Since its creation, innovation has been a pillar of Best Energies’ development and has always offered us lead time over our competitors.

But, whether major or incremental, innovation is not self-satisfying.  We innovate and look for pragmatic, useful and economically viable solutions for our clients, and internally too, at different level:  process innovations, product innovations and organisational innovations.

The societal transitions we support on our clients’ behalf push us to develop 5 themes for answering their current and future needs: 



  • Energy efficiency, by instrumentation research.

  • Renewable energies (especially biomass, hydrogen, solar) and the reduction of climatic impacts by conducting studies and engineering missions.

  • The preservation of naturel resources (water, air) by our company societal responsibility policy.

  • Development of solutions (products) to provide decentralised energy production and local consumption (off-grid); hot and cold networks, massive integration of renewable energies in electricity production.

  • Digital engineering by development of software tools and integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM).

These broad challenges are the opportunities of tomorrow to continue to satisfy our clients and make our contribution to a sustainable world.

Our teams are investing fully in it!

In addition, Best Energies has woven partnerships with a few engineering schools (Ecole des Mines, National institute of applied sciences (INSA)), research laboratories and has adhered to the innovative national networks of sustainable development professions (AMORCE – the Environment and energy mastery agency ADEME International – VIA SEVA – CIBE).

We're also doing a regular technological observatory.

Increase the value of the agricultural biomass by combustion, gasification or methanisation

Pack Energies

Collaborative Web Platform



« Toward the summits by the narrow paths »

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